[Lista-Gruppi] useful info
Stefano Dall gata
essedia1960 a libero.it
Mer 9 Ago 2017 07:04:26 BST
As I understood from your last message you were looking for some information, I think this is it https://clck.ru/Bap4r
Later, Stefano Dall gata
From: lista-gruppi [mailto:lista-gruppi a liste.ubuntu-it.org]
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2017 1:04 AM
To: essedia1960 a libero.it
Subject: Rnr 3 meetup
How is it not their fault? Large networks need to be designed to withstand DDoS attacks.
Getting "hacked" is usually the fault of the hackee due to poor design and /or poor maintenance and not some unknown zero day exploit.
If you're a mom and pop site and get knocked out by a DDoS it's ok, but if you have 110 million accounts (like PSN) then you need to be able to withstand attacks, etc.
Sent from Mail for Windows 10
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