[ubuntu-it-fcm] [Fwd: FCM Translations Digest]
paolettopn a gmail.com
Ven 3 Lug 2009 13:44:24 BST
vi giro quanto pervenuto da FCM.org.
Un saluto,
------- Messaggio inoltrato -------
Da: Full Circle Magazine <lists a fullcirclemagazine.org>
Rispondi-a: Full Circle Magazine <lists a fullcirclemagazine.org>
A: paolettopn a gmail.com
Oggetto: FCM Translations Digest
Data: Thu, 02 Jul 2009 22:05:11 -0700
While there's always plenty of announcement for the English-language version, the translations of FCM get less attention and don't normally get any kind of announcement. To solve this problem, I'm announcing the FCM translations digest - a semiregular posting on the Full Circle website that announces what translations have been uploaded recently.
As the translations all come in at different times of the month, postings will be a bit unscheduled.
Postings will commence upon the next translation that gets emailed to the editor. :)
This email should only be sent to those who have asked to receive it.
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Paolo Garbin
OpenPGP key: F1339F86
Launchpad member: https://launchpad.net/~paolettopn
- Un tempo esistevano domande per le quali non c'erano risposte.
Oggi, all'epoca dei computer, ci sono molte risposte
per le quali non abbiamo ancora pensato alle domande.
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