[Gruppo FCM] Fwd: Are you an Ubuntu gamer?

Marco Buono marco.buono71 a gmail.com
Mer 9 Nov 2011 02:50:37 GMT

Vi inoltro questo messaggio di Ronnie...
Se qualcuno fosse interessato....

---------- Messaggio inoltrato ----------
Da: "Full Circle Magazine" <lists a fullcirclemagazine.org>
Data: 09/nov/2011 00:54
Oggetto: Are you an Ubuntu gamer?
A: <marco.buono71 a gmail.com>

Hi folks,

Unfortunately due to work, Ed has had to resign from writing *Full Circle*'s
*Ubuntu Games* column. Anyone out there in FCM-land want to take
over? Work-wise it's a couple of hundred words and one/two screens per
month, maybe even a link to a video. It's not much, *honest!*

If you'd be interested in taking up the challenge please email me, Ronnie,
at: ronnie a fullcirclemagazine.org<ronnie a fullcirclemagazine.org?subject=UbuntuGames>,
but please be sure you can submit something *every* month.

I'm preparing *FCM#55* now, so if you're quick you could be in it!

Oh, and we now have a *Google+ page!* It's at:

*All the best!*

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