[Gruppo FCM] Fwd: Reinstated MOTU Meetings
Paolo Garbin
paolettopn a gmail.com
Gio 24 Maggio 2012 09:48:19 BST
ho pensato bene di rendervi partecipi dell'evento.
Buona lettura e... partecipazione.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Daniel Holbach <daniel.holbach a ubuntu.com>
Date: 2012/5/21
Subject: Reinstated MOTU Meetings
To: Masters of the Universe <ubuntu-motu a lists.ubuntu.com>,
ubuntu-devel-announce a lists.ubuntu.com
Hello everybody,
at UDS we decided to hold MOTU meetings again. For now we will meet
every 2nd and 4th Thursday in #ubuntu-meeting at 16:00 UTC.
The first one this cycle is going to be at
24th May, 16:00 UTC
and we hope to see you all there.
We will use these meetings to coordinate development activities
throughout the cycle and give development sub-teams a venue to give
updates and coordinate their work.
If you'd like to bring up a topic for discussion, please add it to
Have a great day,
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ubuntu-devel-announce mailing list
ubuntu-devel-announce a lists.ubuntu.com
Paolo Garbin
inviato dal portale di Gmail com
"Procedo molto lentamente, perché la natura è per me estremamente
complessa, e i progressi da fare sono infiniti."
(cit) Leonardo da Vinci
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