[Gruppo FCM] Fwd: Going back in time to FCM#69

Marco Buono marco.buono71 a gmail.com
Gio 4 Apr 2013 14:54:12 BST

Loro copiano le nostre idee e ci battono....
---------- Messaggio inoltrato ----------
Da: "Full Circle Magazine" <lists a fullcirclemagazine.org>
Data: 04/apr/2013 15:06
Oggetto: Going back in time to FCM#69
A: <marco.buono71 a gmail.com>

Hi folks!

Yes, I know you've only just finished reading *FCM#71*, so why am I talking
about *FCM#69*?

Well, you remember how we said we'd try an audio edition, but with real
people? It's here! Several writers (myself included) have recorded our
articles as MP3 files (no robot voices, I promise!) and Robin has compiled
them into an archive for download. The link for the *FCM#69 Audio
Edition*is on the usual page:
http://fullcirclemagazine.org/issue-69/ You'll also use the 'Send to Ubuntu
One' link if that's more convenient for you.

Simply download the file, extract the files from the archive, and you'll
have an MP3 file for each article.

Please let us know if you'd like to see more FCM Audio Editions.


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