[Gruppo FCM] Fwd: FCM#79 disaster...

Mattia Rizzolo mapreri a ubuntu.com
Dom 24 Nov 2013 17:30:59 GMT

Anche se devo ancora preparare la tabella del #78 (che salvo robe
strane faccio questa sera, e sarebbe anche ora, scusatemi) vi inoltro
questa triste email da Ronnie. Questa è la versione short, c'è anche
quella lunga che ha pubblicato anche qui:

Quindi, che facciamo?
Traduciamo e poi ci arabbattiamo per trovare un modo di impaginarlo?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Ronnie Tucker <ronnie a fullcirclemagazine.org>
Date: Sun, Nov 24, 2013 at 1:50 AM
Subject: FCM#79 disaster...

Hi folks,

Well, in short, I've lost the Scribus file for FCM#79. I had a massive
hard drive problem and lost all 1TB of my data. I've still got a
preview PDF of FCM#79 which I'll probably release. I'm not entirely
happy with it, but I can't edit it and really don't want to create
FCM#79 again from scratch.

I'm not sure how/where that leaves you guys as it's not the easiest
thing in the world to edit a PDF.

I'm really sorry and hope it hasn't caused you too much grief but
unless you guys have a sterling plan it looks like FCM#79 will be a
90% complete PDF with no translations.  :(


All the best!
Ronnie Tucker
Editor, Full Circle Magazine

Web: FullCircleMagazine.org
Email: ronnie a fullcirclemagazine.org

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Official Ubuntu Member

Mattia Rizzolo

GPG Key: 4096R/B9444540 http://goo.gl/I8TMB
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