[Gruppo FCM] Aiuto per traduzione
Giuseppe Calà
jiveaxe a gmail.com
Gio 10 Dic 2009 17:17:43 GMT
Ciao ragazzi, ho quasi finito di tradurre l'articolo sull'intervista Ubuntu Donne di FCM 30; davvero rognoso...
Ecco i punti in cui sono incerto:
versione fcm:
I could go on and on about methodology and learning styles and the psychology of learning, but it all comes down to presenting the big picture, digging down into the details, hands-on practice, real world scenarios, and using as many different tools and resources as you can.
mia traduzione:
Potrei continuare a lungo sulla metodologia e sugli stili e la psicologia dell'apprendimento, ma tutto si riduce a presentare il quadro generale, a scavare nei dettagli, nel ricorrere alla pratica e a scenari del mondo reale, e usando quanti più strumenti e risorse differenti.
può andare?
non vi spaventate per la lunghezza del brano seguente; mi serve un aiuto solo per la parte tra >>> e <<<, il resto è per chiarire l'argomento trattato:
I highly recommend that anyone interested in converting schools start by attending their local school-board meetings. Volunteer to sit on technology boards and do whatever you can to reach decision makers. You really have to understand the dynamics of how school systems work in order to effect large-scale change. That being said, I've seen some incredible work being done at Charter and private schools because they don't have the same bureaucratic decision making process. You need to remember that in the US, >>>it's state level curriculum standards that all public schools are working under<<<. The strategy we had when I worked at Rice University and NASA was that we incorporated technology into those standards in a seamless way. Teachers were given ready-made lesson plans and materials using our content and technology, so adoption was a much easier process than just general computer/technology training.
Giuseppe Calà
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