[Gruppo FCM] Domande & Risposte del FCM 40: dubbi
Valerio Salvucci
valerio.salvucci a gmail.com
Ven 8 Lug 2011 03:25:45 BST
Ho revisionato Domande & Risposte del N.40.
Prima di cariare il test revisionato vorrei sciogliere qualche dubbio:
-The biggest items were removing me-menu, switch user, and the
envelope from the toolbar
. Come tradurreste?
-Darik's Boot and Nuke ("DBAN") is a self-contained boot disk that
securely wipes the hard
disks of most computers.
Come tradurre Self-contained?
-Your ethernet hardware seems to be quite new [...]
ethernet hardware va tradotto con "hardware ethernet"?
- The best answer to question is in a YouTube video called, "connect
to wireless networks in Ubuntu."
"connect to wireless networks in Ubuntu." va tradotto?
-I select the "place" Network.
“place” va tradotto con”luogo”?
-flash drive. Come si traduce?
-thread. Lasciare invariato?
-cartella Desktop o cartella desktop?
Saro' di nuono online verso le 12.00 italiane.
A dopo.
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