[Gruppo FCM] Trad / Rev mancannte - Chiedi al nuovo arrivato pag 30 - 33
Paolo Garbin
paolettopn a gmail.com
Dom 21 Apr 2013 19:43:32 BST
nessuno se n'è accorto ma dalla traduzione mancano interamente questi
due paragrafi
Ubuntu TV
If Matthew’s death in the Season 3 finale of Downton Abbey was ruined by
someone you follow on Twitter, then Ubuntu TV was built for the way you
watch TV, as an interactive experience with a community component. If
Mathew’s death was ruined by me at the start of this paragraph, then you
need to catch up on your recordings more often. C’mon, TiVo is not a
license to keep the FireFly series finale in stasis in the unhinged
belief that the series might still be picked up for another season.
Time-shifting is a privilege, not a right, people!
Imagine you’re watching your favorite episode of So You Think You Can
Dance? and a commercial comes on for some kind of hybrid breakfast
cereal/pain reliever. Instead of watching a cartoon spinal disk sing
about how Ibuprophen-O’s are contraindicated with milk, you switch over
to YouTube and call up clips of Mary Murphy screaming about the Hot
Tamale Train! See? The future is awesome!
Poi prosegue correttamente con ..... Se questo non ti eccita, puoi
pensare a Ubuntu TV che ti dà la funzionalità di un DVR
Anche in questo articolo manca la trad /rev dell'editore dell'articolo:
Copil is an Aztec name that roughly translates to “you need my heart for
what again?” His love of women’s shoes is chronicled at
yaconfidential.blogspot.com. You can also watch him embarrass himself on
Twitter (@copil).
Attendo le Vs rev qui e sul wiki... in modo da completare
Grazie, Paolo
Paolo Garbin
blog: www.paolettopn.it www.pnlug.it
Linux user #435436 Ubuntu user: #15710
OpenPGP key: 1024D/F1339F86
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Inviato con un client Evolution ver.3.2.3 e Linux Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
lug a lists.pnlug.it: Il pinguino a Pordenone - http://lists.pnlug.it/listinfo/lug
È interessante cosa l'associazione Pordenone LUG realizza per voi ma lo è di più cosa fate voi per Pordenone e il software libero.
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